Any accessory made of marble adds a touch of class and sophistication. Whether you own a residential or a commercial property, marble can perfectly match everywhere. It is vital to keep its glaze and shine intact for a long time, which can be done by engaging in regular cleaning and maintenance to achieve this goal.

Follow Environmentally Sustainable Cleaning Process:


Conventional marble cleaning methods involve the use of different chemicals. These compounds are often abrasive. This affects the appearance of the marble accessory, and can be harmful to the environment. In an age of growing concern about environmental sustainability, it is crucial to follow eco-friendly marble cleaning solutions.

The Best Sustainable Marble Cleaning Agents:

Choosing natural cleaning solutions helps maintain the integrity of marble pieces without harming nature. Here are a few eco-friendly solutions that you can try that are recommended by the leading marble floor cleaning services in Manchester.

  • Vinegar Solution: Using vinegar in a controlled amount can retain the original shine of your valuable marble possessions. However, its acidic nature can damage the marble surface. To see the best results, consider diluting vinegar with water. Use this solution for occasional deep cleaning. Apply it cautiously to avoid acid damage signs on the marble surface.
  • Mild Dish Soap and Water: While cleaning marble accessories, the norm is to use mild cleaning products. Dishwashing soap and water is a great option, and can offer the same effects as chemical marble cleaners. Prepare this solution for regular surface cleaning and have perfectly shiny marble floors without harming the environment.
  • Baking Soda Paste: This is another effective household cleaning solution. Its effective application can make marble dazzling as it has a mild abrasive property and can be prepared by diluting it in water. Use the baking soda cleaning paste to remove stains from your valuable marble possessions.
  • Natural Commercial Cleaning Solution: Most commercial marble cleaners contain chemicals, however there are natural alternatives. Check the composition of these cleaning agents first to ensure they match your marble cleaning needs. You can also check whether these products have certifications from reputable environmental bodies.

With these cleaning solutions, you can keep your marble floor shiny without harming the environment. If you want professional assistance in marble floor cleaning, contact our team at Hardfloor Restoration Ltd. We are a well-known marble floor cleaning service in Manchester and can offer reliable service in cleaning your marble flooring using certified eco-friendly cleaning agents. To get a free quote for our service, you can either contact us or visit our website.